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Patient Rights

Know your rights as a patient

BayCare Clinic is a strong advocate of patients’ rights and is committed to providing all patients the highest quality of care.

These rights and responsibilities are:

Patients have the right to:

  • receive information regarding patients’ rights and responsibilities.
  • obtain information about BayCare’s organization, services, policies, physicians and other providers.
  • be treated with respect and dignity.
  • privacy as outlined in HIPAA and state regulations.
  • receive compassionate care that respects their personal, spiritual, cultural and religious values and beliefs.
  • participate with physicians and other providers in informed decision-making regarding their health care. Patients may designate a representative to participate in the decision-making process.
  • change their minds about health care decisions at any time.
  • refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law.
  • an open and candid discussion about their diagnosis and prognosis and of appropriate or medically necessary treatment options for their conditions, regardless of cost or benefit coverage.
  • quality care and treatment consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards.
  • receive prompt, reasonable and courteous responses to requests for services within the capacity of the clinic/provider.
  • voice complaints about BayCare, its decisions or the care provided and have their questions and concerns addressed in good faith.
  • receive medical care without discrimination and without regard to age, race, religion or religious background, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, source of payment, veteran status, social status or marital status.
  • obtain information about advance directives including living wills and durable power of attorney.
  • receive care in a safe and secure environment.
  • be communicated with in a clear, concise and understandable manner appropriate to the patient’s age, language and comprehension including the use of interpreter services and access to assistive devices, when needed.
  • view their medical records within the limits of the law.
  • a second opinion if they desire.
  • ask for a chaperone or presence of another clinical staff member during any type of care or examination.
  • be free from neglect, exploitation and verbal, mental, physical and sexual abuse.
  • to be involved in decisions about managing pain as well as receive appropriate pain assessment and treatment.
  • receive pricing information and information about our publicly reported quality as defined in WI State Statute 143.903.

Patients have the responsibility to:

  • provide accurate and complete information about all matters pertaining to their health, including medications, lifestyle and past or present medical problems.
  • ensure that all cell phones and mobile devices are silenced upon entry into exam room.
  • refrain from video or audio recording any portion of the provider/patient interaction unless prior written authorization from the provider has been granted.
  • be compliant with plans and instructions for care that they have agreed upon with their physicians and/or providers of BayCare. Patients also have the responsibility to report changes in their condition or symptoms. If patients are unable to or have difficulty complying with the treatment plan, they are responsible for informing their physician and/or provider.
  • express their concerns clearly and honestly with their physician and other providers.
  • request information or clarification about their health status and/or treatment when they do not fully understand.
  • discuss end of life decisions with their physician/providers and make their wishes known.
  • recognize that lifestyle choices and decisions made daily impact their personal health.
  • read and understand all forms before signing them.
  • provide necessary information regarding insurance coverage and pay their bills timely or make arrangements to meet their financial obligations with regard to medical care.
  • avoid initiation or participation in fraudulent health care activities and report illegal or unethical behavior to the appropriate authorities.
  • keep scheduled appointments, arrive on time for appointments or cancel appointments as needed in advance.
  • act in a considerate and cooperative manner (including those that accompany the patient).
  • respect the rights and property of others.
  • promote their own safety by being well informed and actively involved in their care, both outside the health care setting, and while at any BayCare location and other facilities while receiving care from a BayCare provider.

Need more information?

If you have any comments or concerns regarding services provided at BayCare Clinic, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-877-229-2273 or write to:

PO Box 28900

Green Bay, WI 54324-0900